

Listel brand is unique: a hundred years of history, a wine of unequalled color and quality in an original trademark bottle. In France and in the rest of the world, Listel is best-loved rosé wine.There are three grape varieties in Listel gris (pale rosé) wine. The grenache for the aromas and color, the carignan for the acidity and freshness, and the cinsault for the finesse, suppleness and fruitness.
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Listel brand is unique: a hundred years of history, a wine of unequalled color and quality in an original trademark bottle. In France and in the rest of the world, Listel is best-loved rosé wine.There are three grape varieties in Listel gris (pale rosé) wine. The grenache for the aromas and color, the carignan for the acidity and freshness, and the cinsault for the finesse, suppleness and fruitness.
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